Monday 16 March 2009

French rugby league - part three.

Part one was PSG. Part two is the successful Catalan. Now part three sees Toulouse being entered into the Championship, and exempt from relegation. Which you would have to say is a good thing considering they have been thrashed 70-0 in their opening game against Widnes the other night.

I never saw the game, nor have I yet to see highlights, but from various sources across the country that did see the match it appears Toulouse have a lot of work to do to really compete in this league.

What does baffle me though, the exemption of relegation from the Championship. I can understand why Catalan got exemption from relegation out of Super League. The difference between the two is massive, but surely the difference between the Championship and Championship 1 isn't that different. Attendances may drop but not that significantly in France I would have thought. The money would be similar from Sky and other TV deals in France (if any exist.)

Unless they are exempt so they can be given an all access pass to Super League in 2011. Theres one to ponder for a moment.

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