Please Note, the following is not suitable for younger readers.
A university's dominance in world Rugby League took another uphill turn yesterday with the announcement that Leeds Metropolitan University Carnegie has taken over the newly published web blog, A Tap On The Twenty. As of March 2008, the blog will be known as A Tap On The Carnegie Twenty.
The announcement comes after Carnegie already have sponsorship deals with a number of governing bodies and sporting clubs across the UK. The majority are in conjunction with the RFL as Carnegie have sponsored the sport's prestigious cup competition, the Carnegie Challenge Cup, as well as the Carnegie Champion Schools and Carnegie Champion Colleges at grassroots level. They are also the main shirt sponsor of the referee's kit at National League and Challenge Cup level as well as amateur level and have a stadium named after them, Headingley Carnegie. Outside Rugby League, Carnegie are part of two club names - cricket's Yorkshire Carnegie and rugby union's Leeds Carnegie. They also sponsor the top flight Irish football league, the Carnegie Premier League.
A spokes person for Carnegie said "It is a great honour to be influencing a wide selection of fans within the sport, as we already have a hundred percent stake in Richard Lewis' arse and would no doubt have his front end if it wasn't for Engage. Just because they got there first and insist on using the juices as the colour of their refereeing kits. What do you think the inspiration was behind that pink kit Ganson wears, eh?"
He went on to say, "We at Carnegie pride ourselves in taking student fees and wasting them on sponsorship rights across sports in the UK and Ireland. In fact, if we spent their money on education and not Keith Senior's wages we would not be in the bottom end of The Time's University Rankings. All I can say is, the senior management want to be as big as Tescos. In fact we came up with Every Little Helps but they stole it from us, big meanies".
Richard Lewis, the RFL's Chief Executive, was able to comment saying "It was a big step in the expansion of Rugby League, now where’s that rent boy?" Nigel Wood on the other hand was unable to comment as he was rumoured to be locked in a cupboard being tortured by university geeks as they tried explaining War And Peace to him.
A Tap On The Twenty's creator, Nick Woodward, was pleased with the deal made to him by Carnegie. He said exclusively to A Tap On The Carnegie Twenty, "It now means I have time to go out and get a girlfriend instead of spending my time on the internet watching pornographic material and other such rubbish".
Disclaimer: All of the above post was in fact made up for comical purposes. The picture was taken from http://www.therfl.co.uk/ while the RFL employees mentioned are not involved in a takeover bid of A Tap On The Twenty by Carnegie. The fact is, Carnegie seem to be sponcering everything at the moment and I thought I would write a tongue-in-cheek article.
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